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Brennan’s novels and some of his short stories are available for purchase on Amazon. You can also read all of his work for free on Kindle Unlimited. Go to Brennan’s Author Page on Amazon to view his books.


The Nine-finger Revolution by Brennan Harvey
The Nine-finger Revolution

The Nine-finger Revolution is an alternate-history novel where the American Revolution of 1776 failed. The British Empire still maintains strict control over not only the North American Colonies, but much of the world.

Colonial attitudes are changing, though. Slavery and political infighting has created an atmosphere where revolution is again possible, this time in the twenty-first century.

In the middle of the upheaval, Prince James, the only heir to the British Crown, discovers he may not be the person he believes he is. He learns a terrible secret that might put him on the wrong side of the revolution.

Cradle of Life

Conscripted . . . into a lifetime of childbearing.

Evelyn Jones is shocked to discover that she is no longer infected with the MAPIX virus.

It’s impossible!

She tested positive for the virus eleven years ago.

The Repopulation Project, a government-run program, drafts a frightened and bewildered Evelyn into service to give birth to as many male babies as her body can produce.

However, something nefarious is going on behind the scenes at Repop.

Shorter Fiction

Cemetery Women by Brennan Harvey
Cemetery Women

Debra Green’s boyfriend has just dumped her, literally, into nothingness. He’s found a novel way to dispose of the women he no longer cares about.

But what he doesn’t know, is that Debra and his other exes are alive.

And they’re hell-bent on revenge.

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Walking in a Winter Wasteland by Brennan Harvey
Walking in a Winter Wasteland

February in San Diego . . .

. . . and it’s -30°F.

A little cooler than normal. It’s the day Brett Lutz’s daughter ends up in the hospital with severe frostbite.

Impossible! She died four years ago.

When men dressed in black come and take her away, Brett’s only hope for answers drive him to follow them into the deadly frozen landscape.

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You Get Hit and Your Moose Goes Ping by Brennan Harvey
You Get Hit and Your Moose Goes Ping

Time-jump completed . . . swap complete.


Damn! The hunter showed up early.

How am I going to get out of this alive?

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My Monster Can Beat Up Your Monster by Brennan Harvey
My Monster Can Beat Up Your Monster

What’s a monster to do?

Patricia, the girl Gel serves, has put him in a difficult position. She demands that he break the rules.

But if he does, he might lose her forever.

Is it worth the risk just to make her happy?

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Angels Don't Have Dark Hair by Brennan Harvey
Angels Don’t Have Dark Hair

When Phil gets a visit from his dead ex-girlfriend’s spirt, she claims to be his guardian angel.

She suggests a plan that could improve his life.

Will he follow her advice or reject it and remain a slacker forever?

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Bravo Tunnel by Brennan Harvey
Bravo Tunnel

New technology can change the world. It can also change lives.
Sometimes these changes are not for the good. Smart phone batteries explode. Three-D printers create undetectable guns. Operating systems leave security holes unpatched.

When four high-school students get illegal technology upgrades that feed data straight into their brains, they start dying one by one. The only clue is a holy shrine called Stonehenge.

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Just Another Night at the Quarterly Meeting of Terrifying Gigantic Monsters by Brennan Harvey
Just Another Night at the Quarterly Meeting of Terrifying Gigantic Monsters

Dysfunctional meetings are the norm when big egos sit on the board of an organization. Especially when the board members are terrifying giant monsters.

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In the Service of Aliens by Brennan Harvey
In the Service of Aliens

Norma Hollister escaped her father’s controlling influence and resettled on an alien planet six years ago. Prior to an important ceremony the Leefans chose her for, her father reappears in her life, trying to control her again. She must decide if she should follow her father’s demands or defy him and follow the path set out by her new friends.

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The Truth From A Lie of Convenience by Brennan Harvey
The Truth, From A Lie of Convenience

Marianne Summers is a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigator who has slipped from public favor. After accepting a gig in Luna City, she uncovers a story so big, it could reinvigorate her career. But Luna City officials are not above killing to keep their secrets.

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Galaxy's Edge Volume 37: March 2019
Galaxy’s Edge Volume 37: March 2019

“Walking in a Winter Wasteland” is a future dystopian short story. It appears in Galaxy’s Edge Magazine.

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Galaxy's Edge Volume 31: March 2018
Galaxy’s Edge Volume 31: March 2018

Mike Resnick, the editor of Galaxy’s Edge Magazine, bought my odd short-story, “You Get Hit and Your Moose Goes Ping.” This is my third sale to Galaxy’s Edge Magazine.

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Galaxy's Edge Volume 25: March 2017
Galaxy’s Edge Volume 25: March 2017

My short story, “My Monster Can Beat Up Your Monster,” was published in Galaxy’s Edge Magazine, volume 25.

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Galaxy's Edge Volume 3: July 2013
Galaxy’s Edge Volume 3: July 2013

My first story accepted by Galaxy’s Edge Magazine is a humorous short story called “Just Another Night At The Quarterly Meeting of Terrifying Giant Monsters.”

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Golden Visions Magazine: January 2010
Golden Visions Magazine: January 2010

Issue number 9 of Golden Visions Magazine contains a story in the round written by members of “The Plains Aren’t What They Used To Be” is a round-robin story where each member wrote two paragraphs, one in the setup and one in the conclusion.

The magazine is out of print.


The Book of Emissaries: An Animism Short Fiction Anthology
The Book of Emissaries: An Animism Short Fiction Anthology

My story, “First Song” was an editor’s choice in this competition.

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With a Little More Help From My Friends
With a Little More Help From My Friends

“Hush, Little Baby, Don’t You Cry” was co-written by Mike Resnick and me for an anthology called, “The Spirit of St. Louis.” The anthology was never published, however, my story appears in this collection of co-written stories.

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L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future, Volume XXVII
L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future, Volume XXVII

My first-place winning story, “The Truth, From a Lie of Convenience” is included in this exclusive anthology.

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Teacakes and Afternoon Tales: New Stories from Mississippi
Teacakes and Afternoon Tales: New Stories from Mississippi

I am a contributing author for this anthology from the Gulf Coast Writers Association. My story is called “Willow’s Bend.”

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