My short story, “Bravo Tunnel,” Has been published by Ten Thirty-one Books. New technology can change the world. It can also destroy lives. Smart phone…
Speculative Fiction Author
My short story, “Bravo Tunnel,” Has been published by Ten Thirty-one Books. New technology can change the world. It can also destroy lives. Smart phone…
I just got my rejection letter for “Bravo Tunnel” from the Writers of the Future Contest. Apparently, they are no longer calling “Quarter-finalists” by that…
No finalist award for my novelette, “Bravo Tunnel” in the 4th Quarter WOTF contest. The link to the finalists is here. I have not received word on how…
My story arrived and was entered in the WOTF for the 4th quarter. They say results will be available in mid-December. This one has me…
I just returned from the post office to drop off my novelette “Bravo Tunnel” for the Writers of the Future contest. Wish me luck. – Brennan…
I just finished my novelette “Bravo Tunnel.” This one took a while. I will submit it to WOTF at the end of September. First, I’ll submit it…
Well, it’s obvious I’m not going to finish my short story “Bravo Tunnel” before the 31st. So, my only resolution of the year is now…